Monday, February 23, 2015

When The Bough Breaks

How would you feel if your died died in a car accident and your older brother is getting drunk every single night and your mom is getting remarried. You would feel pretty upset. Well this is how Rachel's life is. Rachel is a senior in High School.  She is making plans for the future when all of the sudden, her dad gets into a car crash and died instantly. And all her brother Ryan can do, is blame it all on her "it was all your fault! if you didnt go to your stupid friends house, none of this would of happened!" that is what ryan said and when really she didn't do anything wrong. Rachel doesn't really love her life. Ryan is coming home every night drunk and he hates her and she always has to clean up after him. She doesn't think things could get any worse. But they do. Ryan beats up a boy at a party and is in trouble for it. Her mom invites them over for dinner and Rachel is very scared. But when they arrive for dinner, she finds out that Ryan punched the guy that she has a crush on. And the mom now has a crush on the father. This could not get any worse for Rachel, but as soon as she thinks this, her mom tells everyone that she is getting married to her crush's father. oh no! that means that they are going to be brother and sister. How is Ryan going to handle all of this? well it just keeps on getting worse and worse for Rachel.  Ryan ends up in the hospital…… read this book to find out what happens to him next

I would recommend this book to mostly LDS girls because she is lds. I also think that a girl would relate to it more than a guy would. and i would also reccommend it to a parent. just because i think it teaches them lessons about parenting

i can relate to her because i have had a sister who was getting drunk but she wasn't living with us but I remember my parents calling me downstairs and telling me that my sister was just put in jail for drunk driving and I was really concerned for her because I didn't know what happened to her and I didn't know if she was okay

1 comment:

  1. This book seems like a very good book based on the review. I would love to read it, it looks like a very emotional, heart touching story. I'm definitely looking in to reading this book.
