Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sisters Grimm: The Fairy-Tale Detectives

  " I'm going to die of boredom here" thought Sabrina as she was on the train to Ferry Port Landing to meet her new adopted guardian. Michael Buckley's The Sister's Grimm; Fairy-Tale Detectives amazed me with its creative, mysterious adventures. This book is about 2 girls named Sabrina and Daphne Grimm, who's parents disappeared one night and never came back. Police tried to find clues but only found one: A blood red hand print on the front of their parents' car. They were sent to an orphanage and escaped from several homes, and one day, a Mrs. Grimm adopted them. She explained to the girls that she was their grandmother. But, the Grimm girls' father had told them that their grandmother had died before Sabrina was born. Daphne was believed her right away, but Sabrina thought she was crazy. She ended up realizing that Relda Grimm, was their grandmother. The town is full of fairy-tale characters. They go on journeys to rescue Ever-afters, and most importantly, try to find Sabrina and Daphne's parents. Why did their dad lie to them? Will they find their parents? Read the book to find out.

The settings in this book are so well described. As I read on in the book, I just imagined in my head what they were describing. The way it's described, you feel like you're a part of the book. It's has some differences and similarities to normal settings, like on the streets, in a living room etc.. but, it also adds a bit of non-fiction objects as well such as, fairy-tale account journals, a room with hundreds of rooms inside with every kind of magical thing you could possibly think of such as, magic slippers, magic wands, forgettful dust, magic carpets, a talking mirror, and so on. It's really a magical book with amazingly described settings.

My opinion of the book is, this is my favorite book/series I've ever read. It's so descriptive about what's going on and makes you feel like your apart of the book, and once you start reading, you won't want to put the book down! I highly recommend this book to people who enjoy mysteries and fantasy/fairytale books, you will love this book and the rest of the series too!


  1. This book sounds really good :) good job on your book review!

  2. My cousins have been reading these books for a while and have begged me read them. I am excited to read this book your first sentence really grabbed me and I wanted to hear more the entire book review! Great job!

  3. It sounds like a really good book! I like how it has characters from different fairy tale stories. Your book review was great and very descriptive. Good job!

  4. This sounds way cool!I like how you had a lot to talk about without giving away any of the important parts, that could ruin it for the readers. I think I would really love to read this book! You made is sound so cool! Nice work!:)

  5. I love how you started out with the quote I am going to die of bordem it really draws in the attention of the reader. It sounds and looks like a very good book and I hope they have it in the library!
