Thursday, October 18, 2012

The book code orange is about a boy named Mitty that lives in the heart of New York City. In the book Mitty loves his city 'he said even after 9/11 he still felt safe and would never be able to find anything wrong with his city." Mitty was a pretty chill guy that did not care about anything like grades. And that is how the story begins, Mitty has left his bio project for the last minute and the only reason he cares about stay in the advanced bio class is because his crush Olivia is in that class. So over the weekend Mitty decided that he should probably start on the project. Well over the weekend while he is at his family weekend house he finds some old medical book in the library. So figures that he will be able to write about one of the old medical book when he comes a cross a strange old envelope!!! The rest of this book is great and full of exicetment and many more surprises!!!
by: Kailtin Sstrickland


  1. So I'm wondering what Code Orange means? I think I wanted a small clue about what's in the old envelope--a map, a letter, a picture.

  2. I have read this book as well, and I loved it. I loved how descriptive the author was about the characters, as well as everything happening. I also loved how the main character was so funny.

  3. I'm reading this book in my English class right now and it is so good so far! I think Mitty is so funny. I think we all want to procrastinate on huge projects like that! Great job on the review!

  4. Since we are all reading this for English, i think it was a really good idea to do this book, and give everyone a run through on whats going on right now in the story. this was a great review and i loved reading your take on it.

  5. I am reading this book in English class it is kind of boring but I have learned to live through it. The thing that lets me live through it is Mitty because he is a funny kid that is a little bit confusing sometimes.

  6. I want to read this because just the title sounds so good. It caught my attention when I was scrolling down look for one blog post to comment on. I need to start reading more so I think I am going to put it on a list of books to read.
