Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Last Apprentice: Wrath Of The Bloodeye

This book is about a spook's apprentice, named Tom Ward. He has spent two years as a spook's apprentice. He has faced many evil, and has survived. Now the spook want's to send Tom Ward to one of his other apprentices, to strengthen his skills. While he was over there he was training with Bill Arkwright, who was very demanding, and had very harsh teaching ways. While he is at his house training a new witch appears, and is very dangerous. This witch has it's very own spy that is a bird. Bill Arkwright has two dogs that help him kill the witches, but not even the dogs might be much help against the the bloodeye (which is the witch). My favorite quote was " I never miss" from the words of grimilkin, which is a witch assassin. I recommend this book to people who like adventure and mild fantasy.


  1. O.K. the picture of the book cover is pretty scary. I know a lot of boys have enjoyed these books, but I've never heard exactly what they are about. Sounds like anyone who wants a little scare would enjoy this series!

  2. My son likes this series a lot. I wonder if you read "Ranger's Apprentice" series yet and how do you compare these two? (I haven't read them yet, just curious about your opinion.)
