Monday, May 2, 2011

Winter's End

Winters End was very complex and invigorating. This book is an awesome read. You'll have to have a tough heart to actually relate to what these poor teenagers have to go through. In their hell-like life they attend a boarding school where the founders not only killed the kids parents but keep them with the intentions of killing them as well. And when they break out and go to finish what there parents could not they only lead them selves to heart ache and disaster."That's right. Those barbarians tracked her mother down to the mountains where she'd gone with Bart's father and a handful of other partisans. the dog-man were let loose on them........" This book is for people who aren't into the happily ever after of fairy tales.


  1. This book sounds a little depressing. Maybe it's part of the mystery of the book, but I wonder why these kids are at the boarding school if they're eventually going to be killed.

  2. yea it dos sound depressing i dont think ill get to it
