Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Joseph Amosa

Blood on the River

By Elisa Carbone

How would you feel to be on a boat, and you are a commonor so you are at the bottom of the ship? Its been 3 months and you are still on the ship? What will you do?
Blood on the River is about a boy about 13 years old. This was in 1607 so he was a commonor. H went on a ship with a lot of other people to go to the New World. When they arived at the New World they would have to go through a lot of trials. The trials they faced were the Indians, Winter, and food
The connections I made while reading this book is how long the people we on the boat doing nothing but just waiting and waiting. This reminds me of how my family trips are like. When we go to St George we just wait and wait and fight most of the time. I just can't imagine how the people in the ships could go through that for Three Months!
I really like what Captain John Smith said "he that will not work will not eat". I like this quote because in the book the upperclass men would not work at all and at the end of the day they assume that they get to eat more then the people who worked.
I really loved this book, and I recommend this book to everyone. Just the way the author worded the history of America was really interesting.


  1. I could never stand being on a boat for 3 months that would be forever.

  2. i would hate to be on a boat at the bottom for three months. I would also hate it if i was starving that seems like it sucks.

  3. I know exactly how you feel on family vacations. I have ten people and a dog. We all cram in the car for like 3 hours. I thought that was bad but three months! Thats insane. This looks like a great book and i should try to read it sometime.

  4. I hate boats and I could not live one for three months, I would die. I am never going on a 3 month cruse. I couldn't do it.

  5. Being on a boat for three months would really suck unless it was like a fancy cruise ship. It seems like you would get really seasick especially if you were starving.

  6. That is really cool that he went on a sea voyage at just the age 13. What would it be like to leave your family and friends to go somewhere you have never gone? This kid is amazing

  7. I have also read this book in History. I think that it is a really good book and has lots of details. This book was well written and made the readers interested.

  8. I thought this book was very good, because it had some excting part about Indians fighting. Also some boring parts about trading. It is still a very good book.
