Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Divergent by Veronica Roth is set in futuristic Chicago where this Utopian society is cut off from the world and split into five factions that focus on a different virtue. Abnegation- the selfless, Amity- the peaceful, Erudite- the knowledgeable, Candor- the honest, and Dauntless- the brave.

When Beatrice Prior (Tris) turn 16, she has to make the choice to either stay with her family in Abnegation or choose one of the other factions. The only problem is that Tris is Divergent, meaning that she fits into two or more factions, and poses as a threat to this society. Wanting to be free and hidden, Tris chooses Dauntless, but it isn't what she expected.

The new Dauntless have to go through an initiation and it isn't as easy as the other factions. They have to learn how to fight, shoot a gun, face their fears, and  be brave. Through out this Tris makes some friends (Christina, Will, Al, and Four),some enemies (Peter, Molly, and Drew), and begins to learn that to be brave you have to be smart, honest, peaceful, and selfless.

A quote/saying that I thought was important to the book was, "Fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up". In other words, when facing your fears take control of them and don't let them show you up. To me, this was a great quote.

This is a great book for anyone! No matter if you like poetry, history, or fantasy, I promise you'll love this book. It not only is a good read, but teaches important lessons that everyone can live by. It has adventure, mystery, and a bit of romance and is just an amazing book!


  1. I really enjoyed this series, but heartily disagreed with how the author finished it. I'm not sure where I'd fit in this society, probably either Candor or Erudite. I can't wait to see the movie next month!

  2. I am reading this book right now! I am loving it so far and cant wait to read all of the books! I liked how you used a quote in this summary. I like how you put the book in your own subjects that you thought they should go in after you read the book! cant wait to finish reading the book! I cant wait to see the movie that is coming out soon!

  3. I LOVE THIS BOOK! I am also reading this right now and it is by far the best book I have ever read! I like this book because the writer really knows how to let you see whats going on in your head. I can't wait until I finish it!

  4. I really want to read this book because everyone I've asked has said that it was amazing. I can't wait until I get it. Also it looks like a really cool movie.

  5. Every one talks about this book. You make it sound so good I want to read it. I have read part of it and it was great.

  6. I loved this book. Tris and Fours romance is beautiful, the dystopian idea is very clever and the characters are way so likable, until they continue the series and they all lose it. Read this book it amazing, don't read the sequels.

  7. I have never read this book but I want to. It sounds so exiting and adventurous, I loved hunger games and so I think I will love this book. I am going to read it soon.

  8. Great review It really got me interested in this book. I have been told this is a great book and i should read it. I think if i was to be put in this society i would probably fit into Dauntless.

  9. Great review! It was explained great! I may have to read this book,I don't like dystopian books, but your review made it sound interested.
