Friday, November 22, 2013

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol

          Alice's adventures in wonderland is a very entertaining, very interesting book that makes your imagination expand. I think this is every child's dream to be in Alice's adventures, it was mine. I think that it is a very good book and I like it because it is so weird but at the same it is very good. Just about anyone could read it and be thoroughly entertained.
           Its about a girl named Alice, and she is with her sister one morning when she see's a white rabbit in a coat and a pocket watch run down a rabbit whole. So she thinks, "how curious!" she runs to the rabbit hole and sticks her head into it to see the rabbit, but the rabbit is gone. So she tries to get her head down farther to see if she can then see it but she falls down that rabbit hole and as she falls, it opens up wider and wider. Things like bed and toys are also falling with her and she falls for quite some time. then she lands and shes in a room with a table and doors in it. One door, the one she wants to get into, has a garden and is too small for her to get into. So she tries to drink a concoction on the table that makes her smaller but she leaves a key on the table and cannot reach it. So she eats cake that makes her grow but she grows too big, and so she drinks the potion and grows too small. Eventually she gives up and started crying but them animals find her and she gets out into a strange new world full if creatures like dodo birds that can talk and cats that can smile. She has the biggest adventure and runs into the queen and needs a way to get out. But you will have to read it to find out how she solves all her problems!

                                                     "Tis so." said the Dutchess:"and the moral of that is-'oh, 'tis love,
                                              'tis love, that makes the world go round!'"


  1. Of course everybody knows the story of Alice in wonderland... But I don't think many people have read the book. I would like to read the book to see if it matches my perspective of it. Thanks!

  2. This sounds like a fun book. I think that it starts very interesting by your review.

  3. I wonder if the movie is very accurate to the book. It would be cool to find out if they made up characters or any new things. I guess I will have to read it to find out.
