Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Secret Journal of Brett Colton

Kathy Colton can't stand it when her family talks about her older brother, Brett. Brett died of leukemia at age 17. Kathy doesn't remember her brother because she was two when he died. On Kathy's sixteenth birthday she discovers Brett's secret journal, that was written just for her. While reading it Kathy finds out about the brother she never knew. At the same time Kathy is dealing with tutoring. She is not just tutoring anyone, but the Central High's starting quarterback, Jason West. Jason is also a mormon, which can't have Kathy's mom more worried.
With all this going on Kathy starts to change from who she used to be. She actually starts to enjoy hearing about Brett and could she possibly be falling for Jason? Things couldn't change more, or could they?

I really enjoyed this book. I liked how it was different by bringing up religion in a romance kind of way. I would rate it at a 9 out of 10 because the author used the same descriptive words a lot in the book. I felt like I was reading the same sentence over and over again. Besides that I loved everything about this book. I would recommend this for pre-teen or teenage girls. I think women that are older could also enjoy this book. One of my favorite quotes in the book was by Kathy, "Good grief, Mom- he's just a football player. He's not a hardened criminal!" I hope you read this book. Once you start reading it, you woun't be able to put it down!


  1. This sounds like an interesting book.
    I like romance and might read this!!!

  2. My mom actually recommended that I read this book a few years ago. It's really a great story for those who enjoy romance. You also might even cry.

    I heard the author talk about trying to get her book published. None of the national publishers seemed to want it, so somebody recommended adding a few religious elements. Then a local publisher picked it up.

  3. This book already has me hooked! This will definitely be my next book I read.

  4. I read this book over the summer and I could NOT put it down! It is one of my all time favorites!!!:):)
