Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I read the book The Book Thief. My neighbor told me about this book and it sounded really creepy, because it is narrated by death. Creepy right? I decided to give it a chance and it is on my list of favorite books!
It is based in Germany in 1939 when Hitler is taking over. Leisel, the main character is heading to her new foster family with her Mother and Brother. On the way there they face many challenges and trials. Leisel meets her Foster family, Hans and Rosa. She learns to love both of them like her real family even though Rosa is very strict. Leisel becomes very interested in books which she does not always recieve fairly. She becomes accustomed to reading every night with Hans even though neither of them can read very well. Hans has more than one secret in this thrilling book!
I never thought I would be reading a book about Nazis, but I couldn't put this book down! If you want an interesting book that you won't want to put down this one is for you! Another thing that I thought was interesting is how it quotes things in German, and then gives a translation! My favorite quote in this book is "....The book was starting to burn her. It seemed to be igniting." I like this because I think it means more than the book was just hot, she felt burned inside.


  1. I also enjoyed reading this book, and it's a favorite amongst many of the English teachers. The author approached the subject in a unique and interesting way. I'd recommend it to anyone, but it's not necessarily an easy read.

  2. I have never read this book. It seems creepy like what you sed. But it seem good but interesting. I will have to find it some time.

  3. I like to read book on world war II. so it sounds like a book i would read. it sounds good I'll probably read it

  4. Narrated by death huh? I guess ill have to see what you mean...

  5. This book sounds really scary! I have read a lot of books on the Holocaust and Nazis and have really liked them. I think I will have to try this out. The book burned her? Hmm sounds really cool!
