Monday, November 15, 2010

The witch of Blackbird Pond.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond, by Elizabeth George Speare.

The witch of Blackbird Pond is about a girl named Kit who moved to Connecticut with her Aunt,Uncle, and Cousins from Barbados because her grandfather died. On her journey there she meets two men who she becomes friends with. She arrives at her aunts house unexpectedly to move in with them. Kit has a hard time fitting in. Connecticut is different than Barbados and she finds that out while she is there. They dress differently, act differently, and expect a lot from her.
She kind of messes things up too. One of the times she messes something up she goes to this field and just lays there. This old women comes and is very nice to her and invites her over. After Kits visit she goes home and her aunt and cousins tell her to never go there again because they think she is a witch. People think very badly of this old women and judges her by her house and because she never goes to church. Kit grows a friendship with the old women and after a while people notice she is hanging out with this old lady and then accuses her and the old women of witchcraft.
If you like books based on what they did long ago and like learning about people back then, then you will definatly like this book. It has a good message and is fun to read.


  1. I think I first read this book in 6th grade, and I really loved it! It's kind of sad how often we're expected to act a certain way, and if we don't fit that mold then we're ostracized. I wonder if we're still guilty of this?

  2. I read this book once in fourth grade. It was kinda confusing for me... Probably because I was younger...? I should probably reread it...!
