Thursday, March 14, 2013

To Kill A Mockingbird

                                                                      By: Harper Lee
 To Kill A Mockingbird is a very inspiring book. It follows a young girl named Jean Louise Finch, mostly called Scout, and her brother Jeremy Finch, Jem, through their lives in the 1960's in Maycomb County, Alabama. One summer when a boy named Dill comes to stay with his aunt, he gives Jem and Scout the idea to bring a hermit named Boo Radley, who is believed to be a vicious monster, to come out of his home. Scout's father Atticus finch is not fond of this plan and when he finds out his children are trying to figure out a way to get this man to come out of his home, he is not very pleased and forbids them to go near the Radley home, but do they listen? Of course not. In the dark of the summer's last night, Dill, Scout and Jem go to the Radley home and wiggle under the fence to get a good look at Boo. When they hear gun shots they run as fast as they can to get away from the house. Hurrying as fast as they can under the fence Jem loses and tears pants, just in time to get away from Boo's father Nathan Radley.
 When Jem, Scout and Atticus are all in bed, Jem gets up to go get his pants from the Radley yard to find that they have been sloppily stitched up. Jem's imagination goes straight to Boo Radley. . . who else could have done it?
 Years later Atticus is put on a case as a lawyer for Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a young woman. Most of the white folks are against him, and what are the chances of winning if you are a black man against a whole lot of white people in the 1960's? Atticus tries to convict the young woman's father Bob Ewell of doing the crime, but instead, Tom Robinson loses the case. Bob Ewell threatens Atticus Finch that he is going to kill him, and you will have to read it to find out if he does follow through and if Boo Radley comes back into the story.
 The quote I chose for this book is "You never really understand a person until you consider things from  his point of view. Until you climb inside of his skin, and walk around in it," Atticus Finch said this to Scout when she was getting angry at a boy in her grade for saying mean things about her father. I think this quote is a good one everybody can live by and learn from.
 The characters in this book are all very good, interesting characters, but my very favorite was Atticus. He knows what is right and always follows through with that. He is a very smart person that knows to always do what is in your heart and that you feel is the right way to go even if you are going to get judged by neighbors, friends, and even your own family. He gives all he can to protect Tom Robinson from jail because he believes it is the right thing to do.
 I think everyone should read this book because it is such a sweet story about compassion, love, and standing up for what you believe in. It is a great read, I did not want this great book to be over.


  1. This is such a great American classic that has so many good lessons. It's sad to think that Harper Lee never wrote another story. I also think the movie with Gregory Peck is just as powerful as the book.

  2. I have been meaning to read this book for a long while. My mother grew up in the south, and our family is very familiar with southern history. I always enjoy reading this type of book, and I've gotta get reading it!

  3. Is this book banned in some libraries? When we talked about banned books week in English, this book was on the list. Why is this book banned?

  4. I haven't read this book but I have been told that it is a great book. I did see that it was on the ban list as well, it is odd.

  5. This book has many lessons in it. It is to bad that Atticus loses the case for the black man. I hope to read this book any time soon.

  6. I've always heard this story was amazing, I've just never gotten the time to read it. It's one of those classics I think everybody needs to read, and I'm definitely going to check this out soon. This would be a great book to read for the Grizzly Book Challenge!
