Thursday, April 16, 2015

House of Hades by Rick Riordan

Riordan's House of Hades captured my attention with it's fast paced action and adventure.
           The 7 main characters; Leo, Annabeth, Percy, Jason, Piper, Hazel, and Frank are on a quest to close the Doors of Death. They must succeed, or the world will fall to the evil earth goddess, Gaea. Filled with action and adventure, Riordan's book lets you get to know the characters better individually as they take turns narrating the story of their courageous quest. If you have not read this book or the other books in this series, I highly recommend them.
          This book teaches you a lot about friendship. It brings together characters from both Roman and Greek backgrounds; two groups who have fought with each other many times before. They learn to overcome their differences while teaching them that they are that different after all. They learn that  working well with others on a team is a very important quality.
          The author has a very fun writing style. Riordan has a very good sense of humor and great voice, and it shows in his writing. Reading his books are very entertaining and relatable. This book was no exception. He has a writing style that is similar in every book he writes but very original and different from other authors. I really have enjoyed reading his books.
          You can definitely tell that the author has worked long and hard to perfect his characters. Each one has his/her own personality. I think that having good characters adds to the book. It makes the setting and circumstance seem more real and relatable. Like I said before, I really enjoyed reading this book and I recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it before.
          The setting in this book is very well described. The characters travel to Europe, the most dangerous place for demigods like the main characters. They fight of monsters together in beautiful places like Rome and Ogygia (a far off mythical island in the middle of the ocean). The authors descriptive words and phrases he uses adds to the book and makes the story more realistic.
          This book has many connections to the world and to the other books in the series. It has connections to the world because they travel to real places like Rome. It connects to other books in the series because it is continuing on with the story that is told by the preceding books.
          In conclusion, this was a very fun book to read. I recommend it to all who have read other books by Riordan, or if you really like action and adventure you will love reading this book.


  1. I absolutely adored this book! I loved and related to Frank especially in this book, as he comes to realize who he is and what he's destined to be. I also loved the realistic-ness of the characters (I could practically see them in my mind).

  2. I really loved reading this book, along with the rest of the series! Rick Riordan does an excellent job with creating believable characters and situations. I do agree with you that Riordan really does have a fun writing style!

  3. great job! I have started to read some of the books in this series, and i loved them! They are a very good series, and the writing of Riordan is fantastic! This is a really good book.
