Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel

     This book, called The Alchemist, by Michael Scott is a book that I couldn't put down. Here is what it is about. There is this couple that was over 500 years old that could drink a potion sort of thing every month and stay young. When they met it was like that love at first sight sort of thing and he knew that he was going to marry her. Perenelle basically mastered all the arts of magic and Nicholas mastered alchemy, but was better at it than Perenelle.
     Their job was to protect a book that could destroy the world or save it and they had to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. Long before us in this book there were Elders. Before them were the Earth Lords and before them were the Archons. Each were very powerful and wanted to rule the world. The Elders overthrew all of them and either trapped them or killed them. So at the time being they were the rulers for many centuries. Then then it jumps to the future and it is Nicholas and his wife who want to live ordinary lives and keep their powers a secret. But all that is going to change.

     A pair of twins work for them, one named Josh who works for Nicholas, and one named Sophie who works for his wife. The Flamels have been looking for a pair of twins with gold and silver auras (gold and silver auras are very rare and means you have a lot of power) and have found plenty, but they have all died or gone crazy insane from a process called the awakening. When Sophie is asking questions about the awakening she says, "We're going to be trained as magicians?" "As magicians and sorcerers, as necromancers, warlocks and even enchanters." Flamel smiled. I just think that's funny.
     But when they find these two they know they are different. Then they get attacked from a character who wants to take the book from them and give it to the dark elders. The dark elders are the elders who want the world to themselves and to get rid of all the humans. Then they started using magic on each other and it is very exciting. I can imagine what they are doing from how descriptive it is and it seems too me that it is really cool. But every time they use magic it drains power from them and they have to wait a while before they use it again or else they will burn up and die within seconds.
    When both Josh and Sophie have been awakened (which does not happen until the third or fourth book) they have extraordinary powers and it's amazing what they can do. There are many characters in this book that I have not mentioned and they are pretty cool, each with his/her own special talent that they are best at. If you want to learn what happens in all the books and all the awesome adventures and monsters they face then I suggest you read this series of books. Also, if you are a person interested in magic, adventure, and action then this is a book for you.


  1. That's the best summary I've read of this series. I always recommend this series to students looking for something like Harry Potter.

  2. This book sounds really interesting, and like one I would want to keep reading without stopping. I like that the characters all have different things about them that make them cool in their own ways.
