Wednesday, September 24, 2014

As small as an Elephant
Jennifer Richard Jacobson

            This is a great book! It captures your attention the second you read the first sentence. It has tons of adventure, mysteries, and lots more.
            Jack is a boy who lives with his mom. Jack absolutely loves elephants. One day, Jack and his mom decide to go on a camping trip. They pack all their camping equipment, and drive to a national park in a rental car. On the way, Jack and his mom get into a fight about Lydia. Lydia is an elephant that lives in Maine. Jack wants to stop to see her since Lydia is on the way to the national park. His mom says no and won't change her mind. Once they get to the park, they set up and go straight to sleep. When Jack wakes up, his mom and their rental car are gone. All that Jack has is a tent, a sleeping bag, and $14. He then goes on a trip to all the places he and his mom had planned to go to. On his journey he meets lots of people. Some want to help him, some want to turn him in. If he gets turned in, he is afraid that his mom will get taken away from him.
           One connection that I made was being scared. Jack was often afraid being all alone. I don't like being alone either. Jack also hated being hungry. I also hate being hungry. All he had was fourteen dollars. He never had much food to eat. He often had to steal food so that he wouldn't starve. The setting of the book is a national park. He travels a lot through Maine as well. He gets to go to Fort Knox too! The main theme of the book is, to never give up looking for something that matters a lot to you. I think that it's important to never stop looking for what you need and what you love.
            At the beginning of the book, Jack calls his mom. His mom doesn't answer so he leaves her a message. "Where are you?" was the message that he left. I really like that quote. Even though it's very simple, it has a lot of meaning and ties well into the story. He has no idea where his mom is.
            I really like this book! It is very relatable and you can make lots of connections. It's also very funny. It is very appropriate and I recommend it to all ages.               


  1. So when I just see the cover it makes me think an elephant is part of the story, but when I read your summary it seems as if that's not true. I can't imagine being abandoned. That would totally freak me out and I'm an adult.

  2. "Small as an Elephant" reminds me of another book called "Desperate Measures" because the main characters are also looking for a home and someone to love just like Jack.

  3. This seems like such a great book i want to read it now.I like how you relate to it you seem to find lots of things you have in common. i would not like to be him because he can't trust anybody for they might turn him in.

  4. This looks like a very great book i like how you connect with the character in a lot of ways. Being like that would suck you couldn't trust any one because they might turn you in.

  5. I think that most everyone is scared of being alone and if I was in that situation I would be freaked out too. I think I will have to read this book the review is so good and the book sound very well made.

  6. I cant't imagine waking up without one of my parents there! He must have been so scared!
